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Updated: Jul 23, 2019

It's an institution that's based on education empowerments through mental stimulations. Which includes, capacity buildings, seminars, workshops,motivation and mentoring and other academic programs * Community Services, which involves, sanitation awareness and clean up exercises and Environmental protection and promotions. * Entrepreneurship ,this entails encouraging youth business skills mindset. Inspiring them get involve in enterprising through creativities and innovations. * Advocacy, this involve speaking out against issues confronting and befalling young people and most citizens within any given society. Speaking against rapes, bad cultural practices that does not conforms to both religious and national laws. Standing against Sexual Gender Based Violence against women and Girls. We are vigorous engaged in social media advocacies and working to strengthen our physical advocacies as well. * Humanitarian or Charity, we also engage in humanitarian services. We donates the little we gets from members of the institution, sympathizers and well wishers as well. The institution since it establishment in September 11, 2016 has impact many young people through workshops and seminars. It has trained many young leaders in high school debate and has mentor over hundreds of young leaders as well. It has carryout beach clean up exercises . It has also donated laboratory protective materials to schools. These are the significant things we are engaged into right now for our short term goals, and wish also part of long term goals

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